
Author Paper Submission

Author Paper Submission Guidelines:

  1. You are welcome to submit full papers and abstracts for upcoming business conferences.
  2. Submitted papers must be the author’s own work, never before published elsewhere, or not submitted to any other conference or journal.
  3. Business Conferences conducts double-blind peer review to assess all submitted author papers.
  4. Must follow APA format (Check Samples) throughout the author paper.
  5. Your submitted paper must be in the English language.
  6. The first page of the paper should contain the author’s full name and affiliation.
  7. Full papers must be a length of 4–10 pages (including the abstract, figures, table, keywords, and references).
  8. Font Requirement: Times New Roman with size 10.
  9. Submit your author paper to the Submission Form below for peer review.
  10. Once the paper is accepted, you have to complete your registration for the conference in which you submitted the paper.
  11. Our author paper review team usually takes around 14 working days for peer review. Once done, you will get an email confirmation with the instructions on what you need to do next.

Note that if you don’t want to attend a conference as an author, you can still attend the conference as a listener, for which you don’t have to submit any author paper.

APA Format Samples In Terms of Submitting Paper
( For Author)

APA Format Samples In Terms of Submitting Paper
( For Students)

Peer Review Details:

If you would like to know more about our peer review process, visit here.

Author Paper Submission Form:

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Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
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